Though urinary tract infection (UTI) affects both men and women, it is more common in women. Because many women do not follow the most common protocol for preventing or minimizing the risk of UTI, the problem becomes serious. Implement these preventive methods and home remedies for UTI.

Preventive Measures & Home Remedies for UTI
- Drink 10-14 glasses of water to protect oneself from urinary infection. Drinking this much water helps flush out bacteria and other microorganisms that can potentially contaminate the urinary tract. Drink one glass of water for every 10 hours of the day. This will help you keep tab on the amount of water you drink.
- Do not suppress the urge to urinate, as it may have dire consequences on your health leading to a fully developed urinary tract infection.
- Always wipe yourself from front to back, this prevents bacteria from the anus entering the vagina or urethra. After having a bath or a bowel movement, follow this simple rule.
- Take showers instead of bubble bath to prevent entrance of bacteria into the urethra which causes UTI.
- Wash your genital area before and after a sexual intercourse. It is also helpful to urinate before and after an intercourse. This can prevent the transfer of bacteria from one partner to another.
- Avoid douching and scented sprays. These products can be irritating to the vaginal area and may cause infection.
- One of the simplest and natural way of treating UTIs is to drink plenty of cranberry juice. It prevents as well as heals the infection due to its medicinal properties.
- Avoid caffeine found in coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, chocolates and many more. Stay away from bladder irritants like citrus, tomatoes, aged cheese, chocolate, spicy food, caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. The irritants may differ for some individuals, but these are some of the common ones.
- On the onset of urinary tract symptoms take vitamin C supplements. It helps to increase the acidity level of urine which decreases the bacteria present in the urinary tract.
- You can apply a warm heating pad or hot water bottle on your abdomen to ease the pain.
- Cinnamon and tincture mixture of herbs like buchu, uva ursi and juniper berries can act as antiseptics to clean the kidney and bladder.
- Avoid tight underwear as it creates an ideal environment for undesirable bacteria to breed.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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